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Central, Ohio, United States
Full time Real Estate agent/ consultant with HER Realtors in the Central Ohio area. Dedicated to a clients success using the latest real estate tools, honest communication, and available when you call!


Learning the ins and out in a complicated world

In a world full of Black Mold, Radon, Urea Formaldehyde, and lead based paint, is there anything safe in the home buying world?

Think about it. You are looking at a house you might purchase. THE largest purchase of your life and the sheet in front of you is showing what the home owner knows about the property..the Residential Property Disclosure. And , on this sheet, lists all these bad bad things that may or may not be there and the Seller is sometimes not sure, either!
How does one know if there are problems or not?

The home inspector will surly find all the problems won't he?
The home owner will know everything about the home, won't he? Not necessarily.
These are safe guards to be sure but be realistic. If you were a selling the residence that you currently live..would you know if it had Radon? Lead Based Paint? that other nasty word..Urea Formaldehyde or gross!! black mold!?

Before you go crazy with worry...check it out for your self. What is Radon? What is lead based paint? If you can count on nothing else, count on the fact that our government agencies have LOADS of information about all of these things. In fact, in a booklet that I have available, you will get a good start to the information as well as where to go for additional information if that wasn't enough.

Should you have tests for all these things when you buy?

That depends. Lets start with Lead Based Paint...

1. When was the house built? Before 1978? Then it has the potential for the paint.
How about before 1950? Oh yes. It's there or is it?
2. Has the house been refurbished? Is the wood work painted? Does it have plaster or drywall?
3. Are you planning to remodel when you live there? Are you doing the work yourself or hiring someone?

If you answered yes to these questions, you can assume certain things.

Before 1968 and it has not been renovated or remodeled, your chances are great that lead based paint is somewhere. What does that mean?
Is there chipping paint? Do you have children that like to stick things in there mouth? This is how lead poisoning happens.
Is the paint peeling off the walls in sheets? This is lead based paint.
Can you get lead poisoning? Yes. Think of sanding. Air borne particles. Think respirator. Think safety. You'll be fine.

Black Mold.
Any mold is bad. It comes from moisture. Where is the moisture coming from? A leak? Gutters that might be placed incorrectly and the water is running back into the ground toward the house? READ. Find out if there is a difference between molds and how to get rid of them. What you don't need to use when you buy, you may have a need for after you become a home owner. You never know.

A naturally occurring emission coming from the ground.
Like so many things, it's a BUZZ word now.
Is it serious? It can be. Is it safe? Have it tested. Find out. Mitigate if you need to.
Are you going to set up a basement office? Live in the lower level? Might be a good idea to make sure.

If it's just a basement for storage..maybe not a problem. Decide for your self. I've lived in the lower level of a split level home for the past 20 + years and I'm still here. One of two things...either I don't have an issue with Radon .. or.. I do have and , in time, I'll find out the hard way..Radon can cause respiratory problems; cancer. Not right away. In time. Silently. No smell. mmmmmmmm.....

Urea Formaldehyde .

In homes, the most significant sources of formaldehyde are likely to be pressed wood products made using adhesives that contain urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins. Pressed wood products made for indoor use include: particleboard (used as sub-flooring and shelving and in cabinetry and furniture); hardwood plywood paneling (used for decorative wall covering and used in cabinets and furniture); and medium density fiberboard (used for drawer fronts, cabinets, and furniture tops). Medium density fiberboard contains a higher resin-to-wood ratio than any other UF pressed wood product and is generally recognized as being the highest formaldehyde-emitting pressed wood product.

Who knew? Is it a problem? Not sure. READ. What isn't a problem for me could be one for you if you have asthma. Does anyone really know if they have it in their home? I doubt it.
I wonder: if you have a lot of pressed wood 'put-it-together-yourself' furniture...does it have UF ? Paneling? cabinet fronts? mmmmm......is anything safe anymore?

You can see that education is key. Make sure you educate your self. Don't rely on others.

And, use a little common sense. There are dangers in the world. Limit what you can. And try not to worry too much. There will be more things to worry about and more BUZZ words in the future. I guarantee it! and, oh, standing in the corner not moving for fear of what 'could be' out there is not an option. Life goes on.
