About Me

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Central, Ohio, United States
Full time Real Estate agent/ consultant with HER Realtors in the Central Ohio area. Dedicated to a clients success using the latest real estate tools, honest communication, and available when you call!


Under all is the Land

"Under all is the land. Upon its wise utilization and widely allocated ownership depend other survival and growth of free institutions and of our civilization"

Part of the first paragraph to the Preamble to our Realtor Code of Ethics.

Were you ever aware that Realtors had a had a Code of Ethics?

"Such interest impose obligations beyond those of ordinary commerce. They impose grave social ...responsibility and a patriotic duty to which Realtors should dedicate themselves "

Did you ever think of your Realtor as patriotic in this sense?

It's a higher calling that most of the public in not aware of nor do they think about . We learn this when we become Realtors and are reminded at least once every 3 years when we are required to maintain our continuing education. Just wanted to share that with you.

Dreaded enemy!

I have met the enemy and he is me!
I spent most of this week-end cleaning out a spot I've dreaded for over 5 years..my basement. Storage space, yes. Junk collecter..no! It's all precious stuff! Well, reality is, it has been well loved for a long time but I've moved on, changed my taste, I don't know..but it now lies in tubs in the basement.

I don't have the largest of homes and don't have the ...space to show off my treasures in China Cabinets and I'm not into spreading it out all over the house but some of these things I've had for many many years. What to do!!

I haven't decided yet. I'm at a loss. These aren't treasurers anyone else would think valuable. Many I've used to stage houses over the years. But times are changing and it's time to find new homes for these things. I'm just not sure where or how to part with them.

Spring what?

Touching again on those terrible words 'spring cleaning'..but it's only March!! What better time to consider those terrible jobs.

 Why wait until the weather breaks and you would rather be anywhere but inside!

So- it's cold outside. Where to start? Pick a spot...top or bottom your choice.

One room at a time. Start left or right. Touch or clean in one direction and end in the middle. So, Clo...set to the left? Start there. Pull it all out, sort, get rid of, clean the shelves, vacuum or clean the floor, and straighten and put back everything. Don't forget the wood trim around the closet door and the base railing.

While you are deciding what the pitch, try the 'fly lady' website trick..get a trash bag and put 27 things in it- or more if you get inspired- that will leave and never come back.

Pull the bed from the wall, vacuum it out, clean the baseboards. Move on. Toys? stuff laying around? find a new home for it. They can live somewhere..just not here.

I've not mentioned the windows but the insides and the casings, go to it. The outsides should/could wait until the spring rains are over. Do the curtains need cleaned? When WAS the last time they there dusted, cleaned, vacuumed or washed? Sometimes I have a hard time remembering. It doesn't make the fun thing to do list.

One room done and done. Doesn't that feel much better?

Every Sellers bane and every Realtor's nightmare.

Talking to a Seller about why there property is not selling isn't always this easy. It's Convincing a Seller that selling a home has NOTHING to do with the way we live every day... It has everything to do with presenting a product that would convince someone to purchase it by keeping it as neat, clean, cleared and enhanced with fresh paint and nice touches like flowers, fresh towels and clean smells
If you are selling or have thought about it, you need to know that for that period of time until you are in contract, your home becomes a product. Just as if you were in a store room looking at a new bedroom set- you would not buy from a company that showed you bed that had been slept in or clothes all over it.  You would want it to be clean, neat, and look as if it's ready to buy.

The Truth about being a Realtor

Being a Realtor is not an easy job..but then, what job worth doing is easy?

Everyone thinks you make millions and usually, most of that is coming from their sale.

In most jobs, paychecks are usually steady. Weekly/bi-weekly/monthly..but steady..unless you are a Realtor.

Everyone has taxes taken out of their check- FICA/RITA/Social Security- unless you are a Realtor. Then, you need to take tha...t out of each check before you spend a dime!

Everyone has a desk to work at and a phone to use- unless you are a Realtor. You can have those things, but they come at a monthly fee.

Everyone comes to work at a certain time and leaves at a certain time...unless you are a Realtor. Being on call is what you think of with a Doctor however, I have received calls at 2 or 3 in the morning. Sometimes as early as 6:00am and as late as 10:00.
I accept these calls because it's easier to fix a small problem before it turns into a bigger one either in the transaction or in the Seller or Buyers mind because they can't reach anyone.

If you work at a job-how many ever hours you work, you will be paid- unless you are a Realtor.

Realtors get paid per closing. Period. No closing. No pay. All those long hard hours/being available 24/7 or close to it/ traveling all those miles come at the expense of the Realtor.

If you work at a job and receive a check, you get the entire check after taxes - unless you are a Realtor. That commission check goes into 4 pieces. 2 pieces go to the other Realtor. Of the remaining 2 pieces, that is split between the company the Realtor works for and the Realtor.

People who chose to be Realtors do so for many reasons but most of all, because they think it is a flexible job. And sometimes they are correct. It's flexible in that you can move one job/one appointment to a different time. There is no such thing as a part-time agent. They can be available part time, but they will be shifting those hours and working them just the same.

What Realtors bring to your door to help you Buy or Sell a property is incredibly valuable. Their knowledge touches on almost every topic but they also have to be careful. Even though they may the information, they can't always share it but rather lead you to the right sources because to do other wise would be practicing law/home inspections/and possibly loose their license.

To be a Realtor you must go back to school. You will be taking 3-4 or 5 courses/graduated/ pass a state mandated test , another 10 hours after the license is granted take 30 hours continuing education every 3 years for the rest of their career. What they learn in the 'real world' of Real Estate and how they assist and see over your specific purchase or sale is worth every penny they are paid.
