About Me

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Central, Ohio, United States
Full time Real Estate agent/ consultant with HER Realtors in the Central Ohio area. Dedicated to a clients success using the latest real estate tools, honest communication, and available when you call!


The end and a new beginning

I lost a mentor, friend, mother, and roll model this week. She decided when she was ready to go. She left with dignity. And isn't that the way it should be?
She said I was her 'jewel' . For me, she was my heart.

She was the person I called to talk to every day of my life. She greeted each call as if she hadn't heard from me in a long time. She treated each conversation with enthusiasm deserving of the most interesting story she'd heard. She gave me her advice when asked and listened to my council. She was my fiercest defender and my greatest cheerleader. She was eager to learn new things and eager to hear the latest adventure of the family. She was not perfect and recognized her imperfections but only called attention to the ones we never paid attention to like the size of her ears, nose, and feet; thinning hair. When I looked at her I saw none of these. She was MOM not perfect or imperfect. She just was.

My mom. My friend; my heart. She gave much and asked for little in return. She loved much and hoped for some to be returned. And it was. I will miss the daily conversations; the council I need from time to time; and the love and hugs I which were passed out liberally. How one person can be so fortunate to have such a person in their lives as she had in mine. Great memories. Great support. Great love. Great Mom. My heart.
