About Me

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Central, Ohio, United States
Full time Real Estate agent/ consultant with HER Realtors in the Central Ohio area. Dedicated to a clients success using the latest real estate tools, honest communication, and available when you call!


I've been a little busy lately

This entry is a catch up. I intended this blog to be about real estate and, in a way it still is.

I have reached the point in my life when it is now my turn to help my parents as they helped me so many times in my past. They are now in their 80's and have recently had to leave their home to move to assisted living. To prepare for the move-my parents counted on me to decide what to do and when to do it. This is not a fun place to be!I researched the options available to try to make a good decision. I don't know how others have fared but I would love to hear from some. This blog tells a little of the journey.

I was able to visit 8 or 9 facilities before a hospital stay and broken bones my mother suffered caused us to run out of time and for me to pray I would make the right choice.

Some of the choices in facilities were easy to pass over and others more difficult. The reasons range from too far away to too expensive. They run the gamut between an upscale apartment building to looking like a decaying old building that one might not wish on anyone of that or any age. The pricing is astronomical no mater where one goes but I did find out that there is assistance if one has served in a war in the military. That will be one of my next steps to help finance this move.

After her a hospital stay it seemed to perfect point at which to make the move. My parents are moved. The was made because I wanted them closer to me and remembering the gut feeling I had on the first visit. Not very scientific. Summerville at Chestnut Hill. My prayers were answered. It has been a good choice.

Summerville is a newer facility in Gahanna. The outside looks a little deceiving. It reminds me of a resort or lodge. I like that. Stone on the front. When you enter, it is into a great room. To the left of the center hall is the dining hall. The center hall has a grand piano. To the right of the great room are comfortable sofas and chairs and a flat screen TV. Closer to the entry there are 3 computers that are available for residents to use-I liked that, too. There are tables and chairs behind the sofas that are used for occasional resident parties and the entire area is used for seating when guest musicians come to entertain. There are several patios around. There are lounge chairs at the front entry and side porches...that lodge feeling again.

My mother said she feels relieved not to go through another winter in her other 'home'. No snow to deal with. No groceries to worry about. The doctor and nurses are 'on-site'. She also said she enjoys the peace and quiet after her 3 times a week dialysis treatments.
My dad enjoy it as well? Not so much He doesn't know this side of town and with some dementia going on, won't be driving. I think he is a little relieved that he never 'lost' his license. Not knowing is way around this end of town has helped him know he doesn't really want to venture out. He misses his garden. He has never 'socialized' so this enviroment has been a trial for him. The growing sense of loosing his memory complicates the move. Today, however, there is some hope. He said he's beginning to get used to the place and it 'isn't so bad'.
He also loves it when his grandson comes up to play pool with him...did I mention it had a poker table and a pool table? Very cool.

Now, to the 'real estate' part of this blog. What does one do with the family home?
In this case...a MOBILE HOME. My parents moved to this home after my sister and I left to start our lives. My mother was brought up with the the rule of my grandfather-if you can't pay cash- you don't need it. Those 'Depression' years made a lot of folks have strict ideas on spending money. We are beginning to see that strict idea thing coming back.

Mobile Homes don't sell quite as fast as a home on a fixed spot. They are 'titled' just like a car. They don't appreciate the same way a home does. But they can maintain value. And, when you throw in a few more items into the mix...i.e. washer/dryer, furniture...it could be a good thing to help get it sold.

I'll let you know how it goes.
