About Me

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Central, Ohio, United States
Full time Real Estate agent/ consultant with HER Realtors in the Central Ohio area. Dedicated to a clients success using the latest real estate tools, honest communication, and available when you call!


a part of life

A part of life we don't like to think about is growing older and what those changes might mean in our everyday life. For me, it just meant slowing down. Not stopping. Enjoying life; not being challenged by it. Spending some of that hard earned money on whims or visiting grandchildren; not counting each penny. I never thought about a home becoming an obstacle to every day living!

Part of everyone's life is facing these challenges whether they are happening to you or to loved ones. And finding answers to these can be difficult! Challenging. Tiring. Depressing. Uplifting. Frustrating. But they do or will happen to one and all.

My personal experience comes into play here because I have parents who are requiring some additional help. Help cleaning, cooking, groceries, Dr. appointments, dialysis trips, hair appointments, social trips to visit relatives, in general- everything day-to-day that one might think of. I will use this forum to help in my own small way...anyone who wants to get some answers.

How do we take care of all these things? Well, we better figure it out because, if you are a baby-boomer like me, your turn is coming next! And figuring it out is oh so critical!
